Thursday, October 8, 2009

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?


i would LOVE to dye my hair black with white/blonde patches but my mom wont even let me use the dye that washes out in one day! how can i convince her to let me dye my hair?

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

Well it depends on how old you are. If you are young.. well there is nothing you can do about it. If you are older, you can discuss it with her, maybe suggest something a little less bold for the first time. Ask her why she wont let you use it, if she is concerned about what it could do to your scalp or something, take her to the chemist with you, and get someone to explain the brands properly. Hope I have helped.

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

Good luck, could always sneak and do it

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

uhhh giv her muney.........

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

Dye it anyway. Say you have no idea how it happened.

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

Hmmm... LoL

Well... you could make promises like treat her a meal or be good or something else... Well anyways, If she really doesnt want you to dye your own hair then dont force it kay?... You'll just get more upset...

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

We usually want to do crazy things as teenagers that we would NOT be interested in doing in our 20s because our reasoning changes a bit...and priorities. In your teens you care more about what other people think, usually looking to make a statement with the way you look as you try to figure out who you are. In your 20s, you find that caring too much about what other people think is not mature and you refrain more from doing so. So I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you still want to do it when you are 18, try it. But by that time, such a hairstyle may be embarrassing to you. You could also tell your Mom that you trust her judgement and that if she doesn't want you to do it, then you are fine with it. Then tell her, however if she changes her mind you would love to see how it looks on you and try the kind that washes out. Then drop it and see if your respect for her goes anywhere. You might be surprised. But if not, don't sweat it, there are plenty other ways to express yourself without making such huge statements. Quite often, less is more beautiful anyway.

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

If you are under 18 you legally have to obey your mothers wishes, however if you are older than that, she has no right to tell you not to.

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

Keep nagging! My mom didn't want me to dye my hair; but now I am a serial dyer. Suggest a more toned down version of this first; closer to your natural colour to get her used to the idea first maybe.

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

Leave it for now. Mum most think you are so adorable as you are! And therefore, has no need to seek to be different.

Out of curiosity, why do you want to dye it?

I REALLY want to dye may hair, but my mom wont let me. HELP?

I don't know how old you are [ or how young] my suggestion is to go back to your mum and ask her why? Im sure your mum will have the answer

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