Saturday, August 1, 2009

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

I have mixed race hair (mum is white and dad is black) but it keeps shedding!!! I had a baby 2 yeards ago and was told that it could be due to that but how can it be if that was 2 years ago????? I go to the hairdressers and they do everything to my hair, they relax my hair and i get it treated every 2 weeks, even they can't understand why my hair is still breaking!!! everytime i comb it there is hair in the comb, when it gets washed there is hair in the sink! The hairdressers recommended some vitamins a year ago and they arent even helping!! any1 know the cause or have any suggestions??

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

my lil girl is mixed and im a beautician so heres whats happining.....your hair is not as coarse as someone who is black. its thicker then white hair, but not strong enough to handle the relaxer. this drys your hair and causes breakage. it does this in african hair.....its really damaging your hair. the only thin i know to suggest is the mildest relaxer you can get, that they use on little kids. when u use any kind of thermal tools...blow dryer, flat iron....u need to have something on your hair like a glossing polish...i use one by pocclaim. it works well, inexpensive and u can get it from sallys beauty supply

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

Hair treatments such as getting your hair relaxed is actually very bad for your hair ... perhaps that's why it keeps breaking

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

Actually putting chemicals and things in your hair will make it worse, try using some Vitamin E oil only for a few days, and try not to use conditioner, also, be very careful when you comb don't be too harsh.

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

Try calling a nutritionist. You may be lacking certain nutrients in your body that you lost during pregnancy and you body maybe still having trouble recovering. I know several insurance companies are adding nutritionist to their policies. Call yours and see. Also, check that you are not having symptoms of hormone imbalances. A pregnancy is very hard on a woman. Don't let anyone tell you its natural so you should be fine, remember before modern medicine many woman didn't make it that long.

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

ask a proper doctor for hair rather than inexperienced people.

dont do any chemical treatments or straighten with irons! it does even more damage.

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

After you have a baby, your body changes and so does your hair to a degree. All the extra hair that you grew while taking the pregnancy vitamins will eventually fall out, but after awhile that will stop. If you think you're still loosing to much hair, go see your regular doctor and tell them your concerns and get a blood test. It might just be a vitamin deficiency that's causing your problem.

Also, the more you process your hair, the more it will break. You might want to stop the chemical relaxers for awhile until your hair condition improves.

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

all chemicals are going to be to harsh on your hair. I have a biracial friend who lives by Miss Jessies curly pudding. And my sisters uses gottobe straight by bed head to straigten her hair

Breaking Mixed Race Hair!!!?

Both my parents are black so you know the result is nappy hair(which I am proud of).Unlike white people, it is normal to have a noticeable amount of hair in your comb or brush everytime you style it,etc.But it is NOT normal for it to come out in clumps, having thinning areas of your scalp/bald spots, etc.Everytime I wash, comb ,brush hair comes out because of the consistency of my hair ...your pregancy may have had permanent effects ..just like a woman may get stretch marks or have 10 pounds she can't lose after a pregnancy this may be something like that. I suggest you use protein hair products and use natural remedies to cure your breakage ( such as egg and/or mayonaise conditioners,etc.).

Hope this helps!

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