Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

We have evidence from paintings of the time to show he was white with blond hair

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

Lol....paintings of the rennasance era, about 500 to 1000 years after the NT was compiled,NOT based on any historical reference or witness but rather on artist inclination. but the question is a good one. AT BEST, if the Jesus character were historically real, and there is more than adequate reason to question that historicity, then he would have been SHemite..that is, majority, at that time Jewish people were dark skinned, dark haired....the only Israelites that would have been of white or fair complexion, blond hair would have been converts to Judaism.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

because in the Bible it states that he has skin of burnt brass and hair of wool. dark skin and hair of wool pretty much describes African Americans but honestly it shouldn't matter what race he is Report It

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

How can you say that because he is God he is white?

A) He is the son of God, and

B) He can still be that without being white.

C) No one, howevr they tell you can say it is a fact that Jesus was this, or that. No One can definetely say. Report It

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

Jesus is Jewish it says that in the bible Report It

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

Due to the region where Jesus lived and died, it's really unlikely that he was white (with BLONDE hair).

Are you racist or something? Will you only be Christian if he was white? Really, why does it matter?

Reponse to "addition":

You're an idiot. Jesus was the son of God - not God himself. And there is no FACT to the matter of his skin color you racist prick! :P

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

That's not evidence. That is the (chrisitan) painter painting what he believes Jesus looked like. At the time Jesus was alive, most people hadn't moved far enough to have a fair complexion. Most SCIENTIFIC evidence suugests that people in Jerusalem were (and still are) not exactly the definition of what you call "white."

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

You don't have any paintings from yhe time of Jesus. Paintings of him were made a few hundred years later. Bodies have been found in that area that have dark skin, which means Jesus was a short man with dark skin. There is no such thing as a Jesus with blue eyes and white skin.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

He was born in the middle east and the point was for him to blend in. Simple logic suggests he didn't look Swedish.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

well its because of where he lived the whole population is dark skinned and not white and painting aren't evidence there the artist interpretation

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

Geography makes me believe that he didn't have Blond hair. It also makes me believe that Jesus wasn't white. here aren't a lot of native white people in that area. I think the blond hair and caucasion thing is the western influence or imagination. No one will ever really know though.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

there are no paintings from the actual time. there are paintings from afterwards but they could have been distorted because all of these people relied on oral tradition until the first gospel was written down over 30 years after he died. also only a select few saw Him--this wasnt present times where we can see people on television. they heard about Jesus but a few saw him literally.

He was pure Jewish. there are white jews today but that is because they traveled from Israel to other nations (europe, hence wwII, south america, etc) He on the other hand was very jewish, straight from the line of David (who was also very Jewish) there wasnt much mix in there of non-jews other than ruth (the only non-jew) who was somewhere in there...I think David's great grandmother.

Pure jews are not blonde...although he mightve had light skin which i doubt was too light cause he walked alot in hot temperatures including that time in desert for 40days.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

I figure his skin tone was probably close to this:

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

Why would he be white coz he's from God? How do u know God is white? R u racist? What painting of that time? He was born in the middle east he probably looked like there other people there does it matter what colour his skin was?

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

All paintings of Jesus were from the Renaissance or later. Every know portrait was lost during the dark ages, or exists in the Vatican's private library (which is restricted). We don't know what Jesus looked like, but we do know that he most likely had the same colored skin as everybody else, or there would probably be a description about his unusual appearance in the Bible. The traditional portrait look of Jesus is based upon tradition, and not factually.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

No Jesus was not white. The truth is, and it is a fact, Jesus was Semitic, and not Caucasian.

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

Are you on drugs? Have you researched this at all? Are you a troll?

Jesus was the same color as his parents and every one around him in the middle east

Why do some people say Jeuse wasnt White?

he is black.

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