Saturday, August 1, 2009

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

my pure bred golden retriever has a white patch of hair on his chest... i've never seen another golden with it before. i'm sure that he's a pure bred because his parents were akc certified just my dog cooper isnt because we got him fixed

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

Freedom got it right on the nose. It would be considered a fault in your golden hon. Especially if he is very dark to begin with. It would be too much of a contrast with his body coloring.

Now this doesn't make him any less of a Golden at all. He is yours and you love him. That's all that really matters. Right?

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

omg, my dog has one on his tummy it is normol trust me!

trust me!!!!

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

Your dog is still registered with the AKC (assuming you got papers when you got him), neutering will not change this.

And thank you for getting him neutered!

As for the white patch, yes, it is possible to have a purebred golden with a white chest. While it's not common, it does happen.

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

my friends dog does, but im not sure if shes a pure breed

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

It is very normal, I have 2 goldens and they both have them. It's just the way their chest-feathers are. Their tail feathers and also their butt-feathers are all whitish-light golden.

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

According to the breed standard:

Color -- rich, lustrous golden of various shades. Feathering may be lighter than rest of coat. With the exception of graying or whitening of face or body due to age, any white marking, other than a few white hairs on the chest, should be penalized according to its extent. Allowable light shadings are not to be confused with white markings. Predominant body color which is either extremely pale or extremely dark is undesirable. Some latitude should be given to the light puppy whose coloring shows promise of deepening with maturity. Any noticeable area of black or other off-color hair is a serious fault.

Does anybody else's golden retriever have a white spot on it's chest?

Well that is normal it means that he is getting old.

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