Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

how to dye naturally blackish/brown hair to silvery white by bleaching?? [at home]

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

go to a salon they Will use color not bleach i am a stylist

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

They have kits anywhere that can help you. it's this all natural stuff. I saw some at Excerd (I think I spelled it wrong) and CVS. Lots of places have it.

Good luck!

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

go to a salon!!!!!!!!!!! it will turn ur hair orange, or yellow!!!!!

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

You can get the ingredients to bleach at home at a beauty supply store.

However, in order to get it that light (it still wouldn't be WHITE, but white blond), you would probably fry all your hair off. With the shade you're starting with it would take many many applications of bleach, and this would burn your hair badly. It would be crispy and dry and frizzy and ugly and a lot of it would fall out.

i wouldn't recommend doing it.

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

you can buy the l'oreal kits ( highlights or dye) at walmart and sam's club where ever there other brands too. its easy and quick

p.s. why would you want to bleach you hair so light i bet its really pretty dark. ( no offense)

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

its best to go to a salon

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

So are you trying to ruin your hair? If you're that desparate to get it that color, DO IT AT A SALON! At least they can tell you if your hair is healthy enough to do it in the first place and keep an eye on it while it's processing. (You can't really say online... your hair thickness and condition will make a difference in processing time.)

Take care...

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?


Im telling you. Black hair will take a few tries to get completely bleached. Quite a few. That will tear your head up! It will sting and burn and itch all at the same time, and when its all over, your hairs fried and youve got quarter sized, 1/3 of a centimeter thick scabs.

Plus, it will look horrible. I promise you you will regret it.

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

you cannot do this at will only get to ORANGE. even in the salon this is going to be difficult....they will probably have you sign a waver releasing them from liability should your hair melt and fall out....which is very possible. But when your hair is this dark, then that is what you are melting off your head. the only ppl who bleach out this much are strippers and porn stars.

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

Do not even attempt to do this yourself. You are attempting to lift your natural color about 8 levels. There is only 10 in the scale.

Attempting to do this yourself you could possibly end up with a freaky orange or frying you hair off.

We hairstylists do go to school for a reason.

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

go to a salon and they'll do it

Hair hair hair: BLEACHING help!?

Also Stylist.

Go to salon, they may or may not use bleace, but regardless they will hvae to tone your hair if it is that dark. Black to Platinum is not something to mess with at home!!!!!!!!

You will hate your results!

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