Saturday, August 1, 2009

Do twat hairs turn white?

I'll get back with you when I'm older

Do twat hairs turn white?

Well yeah, duh. Eyebrows and beards turn white/gray - so why wouldn't the pubic region?

Do twat hairs turn white?

Yes. that was the first place i had any.

Do twat hairs turn white?

They do turn white but they start turning white some years after the hairs on your head do.Since they grew in later, they start turning white later too.

Do twat hairs turn white?

If you live long enough, they are usually the last to go...something to look forward to.....ugh

Do twat hairs turn white?

Well my friend, they absolutely do, I like using the word gray though.

Do twat hairs turn white?

Twat did you say ? Shave 'em, then you won't care what color they turn. It's cleaner, sleaker and more sanitary. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

Do twat hairs turn white?

Twat? Perhaps you meant pubic hairs? Maybe this should be a question and not an answer!! Why do people use slang for discreet body parts?

Although this happens long after the hair on the head grays, the pubic hair will go gray too. It may be more of a "salt and pepper" gray where some of them will stay their natural color.

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