Saturday, August 1, 2009

How does peroxide react to gray hair?

I don't have gray yet, but it sure would help to know. Does it turn gray hair white?

How does peroxide react to gray hair?

The same way as any hair except....GRAY hair, has a harder hair shaft, and is resistant to peroxide, so it takes longer to process.

How does peroxide react to gray hair?

Not so bad look at American Idol/ Taylor Hicks. He basically said to the world... hey this is me take it or leave it...Grey and getting rich... Report It

How does peroxide react to gray hair?

i dnt know

How does peroxide react to gray hair?

turns it white !

How does peroxide react to gray hair?

My mom puts on peroxide before she dies her hair cause it grabs the dye better. When I bleach my arm hairs with Sally Hansen products it comes with a little bottle of peroxide to treat your hair before bleaching. I'm thinking it works to help grab the products better or it purifies the hair from spray or lotions.

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