Saturday, August 1, 2009

Gerald Way's Hair?

My god he was soooooooo hot with his long(ish) black hair and it was just so awesome and nowit's white and short and I hate it!!!! y would he do such a thing it's like no!why me?A now the new CD and everything and his hair is all white it's so weird does anybody have like anything that you know about it please tell me he dosen't plan to keep it white no haters please thanks and rock on

Gerald Way's Hair?

his new haircut is okay.. i liked the black longer hair better.

but i heard the reason he got his new haircut is so he can relate to who the album is about.... it's about some kid or person named "patient" and if i remember correctly he went through a bunch of treatments for some sort of med. problem, and that's how he kinda looks.. also, gerard was tired of the black hair side swept thingy

That's wut I've heard, i dont' know if anybody else has though.

i dont' know how long he plans on having it this way though...

but i have to admit, with the new haircut u can see his face better %26lt;3

Gerald Way's Hair?


Gerald Way's Hair?


Please, Please, Please IM me when U get the answer!!!

- Thank's!!!

Gerald Way's Hair?

OMG I used to Love Gerard but now *barf*. I don't know but I hope he dose plan on dying it back in Black or I will be rally sad.

Gerald Way's Hair?

gerard way is my husband and the reason why he did that for the new ablum

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