Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but what happens when a black person's hair gets wet? Does it do something differently then when white people's hair gets wet (besides getting wet). Or do I just know a lot of over concerned people?

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Okay, first off...people who identify as black can have just about any hair texture, from straight to very coily/kinky. As has already been stated, a lot of black women with highly textured hair chemically straighten it, and FOR SOME that means water is the enemy, at least for a while. (I learned how to swim while wearing my hair chemically straightened, and I never had a fact it never occurred to me to avoid learning a survival skill because of my hair.)

Secondly, most black MEN wear their hair natural, so it's a safe bet to say that they don't have a problem with getting their hair wet.

Thirdly, as has already been stated: The majority of black women who wear their natural texture (regardless of said texture, see first point) don't have a problem with getting their hair wet...or, at least, it's not such a huge deal that they'll go out of their way to avoid rain, pools, etc. I've been natural for 12 years and water is my (and my hair's) best friend.

As to whether you know a lot of over-concerned people...maybe you do. More likely you are like most folks (regardless of race, sadly) who think that one black person's opinions/practices/activities = all black persons' opinions/practices/activities. It's much easier to write off all black people as %26lt;insert negative attribute here%26gt; when you think that we're all the same. News flash: We're NOT.

I hope this was helpful.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

It uncontrolably curls? I have no idea and have never heard of this.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Because they will have to cone it again. And conening your hair takes time.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

i've never heard of this either

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

because their hair is high maintenance

think about it...

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

lots of people hate their hair getting wet ..

i know alot of white men who hate it ..

generally no one likes their hair getting wet

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

if they have product in it to keep it straight or to keep it curled it will come out and smell like wet dog (which white ppls hair smells the same wet) but it is mainly about the product in it and if they had their hair done or not

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

I lived with a beautiful black lady for a couple of years, we were an 'item' she loved HOT showers, So hot I couldn't take the heat of the water! Your information is incorrect. At least from my experience with black women. Ron

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

um, go out on the street find a black person and ask them . or what that one guy said that one time ....flava flav sez....whoaaaaaa!

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

their choice

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

a lot of their hair is really curly and frizzy. so they straiten it but when it gets wet it makes it curly and frizzy again.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Actually, I asked a neighbor this once. She would get in the pool with her kids but stay at the other end and keep her head above water. She was the overly prissy type so I just figured that was it, didn't even think about her being black.

She told me that not only do most black women that invest the money and time in to getting their kitchen fixed (whatever that means) not swim or get their hair wet, they will prop their necks so that their head does not touch a pillow or the mattress. She said some of the hairstyles are quite pricey and time consuming so they do what they can to save their do.

I just thought she liked looking pretty at all times,lol.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Dumb answer to a dumb question:

I have very straight hair. I like mine to be wet (as long as it's not too cold outside). In fact, I wet it several times a day, like every time I'm near a sink.

So I guess the answer is because theirs is curly.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

We have different hair texture... Especially if we've gotten our hair permed or straightened, if it gets wet, it'll puff back out. Our hair's naturally curly or kinky, not straight like white people's hair.

Also, most of us have to go to pricey salons to get our hair done, if it get's wet, then that's like $65 down the drain. A waste. We don't wash our hair everyday like white people do, it's more like once a week or bi-weekly.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Not all of us do. Depends on if the person has their hair straightened at all or not. My hair is in it's natural state, hence it doesn't "change" when it gets wet, hence I don't care if it gets wet in fact I wet my hair often. However, if a person wears their hair straightened using heat (y'all know Flat Ironing, too), or chemicals, water will cause the hair to revert and they'll need to get their hair re-done. Same as it would for a wave-y or curly-haired white (or any other) person who flat irons their hair or gets regular (expensive) salon blow-outs.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

As a black female I am very offended by this question. All black people don't hate getting their hair wet. I currently am sporting an afro so rain helps my hair get bigger and promotes my natural curls. I know when I wore relaxers, the rain would make my hair turn curly so it would defeat the purpose of straightening my hair. That was my issue but I won't say that is the problem with everyone.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

How very stupid of you to ask such an offensive question. Not all black women fear water in hair. As a matter of fact some us use water regularly on our hair. And to the person that said we don't wash out hair everyday, BS some of do.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Its the same thing when a white person get's there hair done, they dont want it to get wet because it will mess up the style. A lot of black women chemically straighten or use heat and we all know that water will cause straightened hair to frizz or poof. Now Black women with natural tend to enjoy wetting their hair since is provides moisture to there napps and refreshes them.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

they have perms in the hair that gets washed out when water gets in and the hair gets nappy

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

A lot of black women do not like to get their hair wet because they wear their hair in un-natural, straightened styles that can be ruined if the hair comes into contact with water. Black women with natural hair tend to not mind getting their hair wet, because they love the beauty of their kinky, curly, nappy hair. Of course I am generalizing...

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

I use to be afraid to get my hair wet when I wore it straight. When I was younger, my hair was straightened with a pressing comb,which took a while to do. If my hair got wet, then it would revert back to being curly. So, it was a matter of ruining the straight style. I had a relaxer for 12 years and it my hair got wet, it would ruin the hairstyle I paid to get. Now, I'm natural. For the most part getting my hair wet does not bother me. However, there are a couple of styles that I wear that I don't want to get wet because the style would be completely ruined. But, because I have natural hair, I can easily fix it into another style if it does get wet.

So in general, the black women who don't want their hair to get wet, it's because it would ruin the hairstyle or they don't want their hair to revert back to it's textured state. (but this is not exclusive to black women, I'm sure there are women with curly hair who go through this).

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Many black people wear relaxers and straighten their hair in an effort to hide their natural hair texture. If the hair gets wet, it goes back to that natural hair texture, ruining the style that it has been put in.

As for me, I wear my hair in styles that compliments it's natural texture anyway. Therefore, water doesn't bother me, I love to swim, and wash my hair several times a week.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Many black women straighten their hair, and are afraid their likely expensive and/or time-consuming coifs will be ruined or their hair will get frizzy. If the hair is straightened via heat, the hair will revert back to its natural texture when wet. If it straightened via chemicals the hair will not revert back as chemical relaxers are permanent, irreversible processes, but many relaxed women still do not want their hair styles messed up (or they erroneously believe their hair will revert back). Seeing as salon services are costly and styling hair often takes a great deal of time, these people are loathe to see their time and money go down the drain because of a little water. This is not limited to black women either; there are people in all ethnicities who worry about their hair styles getting ruined by water.

Not every black person is scared to let their hair get wet, and there are many black people who wash their hair more frequently than every few weeks. I am black and I chemically straightened my hair for over a decade. I've been natural for a year and a half now. When my hair was straightened I washed my hair just as often as I do now (every other day), and I did not and do not care if my hair gets wet.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

Around the country black women are sitting at their computers going WTF did this person just ask. As you can see - many black women decided to come to this site and give you a reply - and yes we all told each other about the nonsense you posted. Anyway to answer question (with an answer that's already been posted but I think you need more confirmation since you seem to think what one black person does means all do) Blacl women styles their hair in a million and one ways and being rained on or jumping in a pool after styling would obviously defeat the purpose of getting our hair styled.

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

I am black... I love for my hair to get wet... that is too broad of a subject for it to pertain to a whole group of people. That would be like me asking why do white people smell like puppy when they get wet... but ALL white people do not have that problem... STEREOTYPICAL

Why do black people hate it when their hair gets wet?

The question has been answered multiple times, so I won't entertain it, however...

Ladies, I don't think that the original poster meant any harm or to intentionally come across as rude. Yes, it may be a question of ignorance...but why are questions asked? To seek answers. I think that this should be seen as an opportunity to educate someone about the differences that make us as Black women beautiful and unique as opposed to becoming offended and rude in your response. :o)

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