Saturday, August 1, 2009

Permanent hair straightening question! help!?

I want to permanently straighten my hair but i dont know the dangers? are there a lot of chemicals involved? will it mess my hair up? im half black half white and my hair is more curly than not. so someone can u please help me? thanks bye!

Permanent hair straightening question! help!?

i tried one and yes there are a lot of chemicals involved. the one i tried was a do it yourself one; not done in a salon. it didnt do anything to my hair. i couldnt find any hair dresser that would chemicaly straighten my hair. they all said it was just too risky with my age and the damage it could do to my hair..i personally will never do it again but if you want to take those risks i say do it but i wouldnt.

hope i could be of some help and good luck on it.

Permanent hair straightening question! help!?

I have this problem as well except im puerto rican.My hair is probably just as curly. I love str8ning my hair too and wish that it could be permanetly straight but it will damage your hair BIG TIME.once you do it, it will never look the same. I say dont do it!!

Permanent hair straightening question! help!?

if your hair is very curly,, i won't recommend,, cz of the regrowth.. but the results are great,, will dry up the hair some,, as long as you got no other chemicals,,such as color and stuff will be fine,, but think about straight hair with curly roots,, so go for consultation and see what they say,,

or get relaxer,, won't be straight as pin but more manageable,,

Permanent hair straightening question! help!?

i tried it once, and my felt synthethic

Permanent hair straightening question! help!?

It will grow out and you will have to get it done is bad on your hair...and it dries it out..there are chemicals involved.

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