Saturday, August 1, 2009

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

All ethnic groups including whites have GENERALLY (yes, it's a sweeping generalization) come to fear and or distrust white men. I'm not just talking about the typical thugged-out white guy. Face it, a black woman in an elevator alone with a white male (no matter how he looks) prays for the elevator to hurry up and arrive at her floor. Shop owners cringe when two white males enter a store together. A seat on a crowded bus or train remains empty if there's a white male sitting next to it. A white male in a parking lot means trouble. God forbid you make eye-to-eye contact with a white male. The hairs on the back of your neck stand if there's one behind you, especially at the ATM. You gather your wife and kids close to you when one approaches. Of and course, the purses get clinched and car doors get locked. The list goes on and his appearance makes little difference.

How do the above situations make you feel as a human being? Keep this in mind when answering question.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Considering that people have had so much exposure to white men committing crimes, I don't blame people for being wary. Whites have done very little to publicly change the stereotype that haunts them. They are always in the news rioting and committing crimes not only against other races, but against each other. Popular white music degrades women, and law enforcement. Whites are always on about how everyone else is holding them down. The reality, is the "I'm just a victim of society" attitude is what holds them back from success. So if someone wants to be afraid of me simply because I'm white, maybe my own race is partially to blame. How do I feel? It's not fair, but I understand why.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

I don't know I should probably go ask a minority

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Because they do not play a role in society or I can not figure out what their role is? can you enlighten me? They once were head of the house and made a family a living and went to where they were needed in the world to save our country which they do not fight for their country ,,,Now women go to sperm banks to get pg as they raise the children by themselves anyways and no marriages. so I ask ???

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

I don't feel distrusted by all, and I think you may me disturbed for asking a question like this.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Well I distrust whites greatly, but everyone else seems to love them, we must all remember we have been brain washed by the whites, they are just as violent as any other culture and moreso. They have no remose for the destruction of others.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

I agree my boyfriend can beat the **** out of ANYONE!

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Is this one of those "walk a mile in my shoes to see how it feels" diatribes, except that you really mean black males?

Racism encompasses all races, creeds and nationalities.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Whats wrong with white guys?

What do you have against them?

What did they do to you?

Some R cute!

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

oh right, irony!

The 1950's called...they want their racist preconceptions back.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Is this a joke? The people at Yahoo should ban your

rascist *** from this wibsite forever!

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

No, my friend that's just being racist. I as a white man, only feel "intimidating" when I wear black. Weird huh? Matter in fact, I'm disgusted by the color white. Black men don't intimidate me, why should they feel intimidated by white men? We're a multi racial world, if you feel intimidated by a different colored person than you, most likely you're racist.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

muahahaahah be afraid

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Can you stop being racist. Why is it that ignorant and uneducate people think that all European Americans are out to get every other race and they must unite to get rid of the European Americans? I am Mexican and I am ashamed that there are Mexicans who think that. There are people IN EVERY RACE that are racist, not just European Americans.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

I think you need to get back on your medication (Shut up fool needs to join you on meds)

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Yeah right your funny.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

I'm just tired of being chased around by women all the time for sex, I mean the myth about white men being sex machines is true....but I want to be appreciated for my mind as well.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

Are you colorblind????

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

wasn't there an exact question like this except it was for black guys?

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?

hmm okay this makes me mad.

black people come on here and complain

how racist white people are, but what you just said was so racist.

theres good and bad people in every race.

its pathetic that you are thinking this way.

White men: How does it feel to be feared and distrusted by all?


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