Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dyeing my bangs white?

I would LOVE to dye my bangs white but i dont know if i hair is medium you think that platinum blonde is close to white? Will my hair fall out? Can i get it done at a solon?

Dyeing my bangs white?

If you really want WHITE hair then die it as blonde as you can humanly get it then bleach will be white. If you're looking for just a dramatic change from the dark to light then do it just the light blonde. And yes, the salon would be able to help you out in that department.

Dyeing my bangs white?

You could get that done, but uh why?

Dyeing my bangs white?

trust me, don't, u'll scare the world looking like a cinnamon bun!

Dyeing my bangs white?

Erhrm, why would you want to do that? Yes, it's pretty harmful for your hair if you bleach it that light, but it won't fall out unless you do it regularly.

Dyeing my bangs white?

that would actually look pretty cool! and yeah of course you can get it done at a salon! good luck if you do do it.

Dyeing my bangs white?

my bff did that, now, people call her grandma, because her hair looks gray. im sure that would be a big mistake. she had medium brown mid back length hair, she died her side bangs, and got highlights in the same platnum blonde color.

Dyeing my bangs white?

i dont think u should dye your hair blonde and to dye your bangs white, just get highlights. OR u could dye your hair grey...kiddin there, it wasnt serious. just do wat u want.

Dyeing my bangs white?

lolzz. white hair. scary!

Dyeing my bangs white?

another option is to get blonde human hair extensions, bleach those to the desired color and glue them. Well thats what i would do, and I'm sure a salon would be able to do it but damage would be unavoidable. You can always cut away the dead ends i guess.

Dyeing my bangs white?

im sorry but white bangs won't look to good

Dyeing my bangs white?

If you do decide to do it. Go to a salon because bleach will turn your hair orange or yellow trust me i've been there. So yeah you can do it just go to a pro. Good luck

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