Saturday, August 1, 2009

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

My scalp is extremely white %26amp; dry. My hair has thinned out so much around my bangs since I've had this. It's really embarrassing and really lowering my self esteem.

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

Try massaging your scalp with olive oil, leave for 5 mins before shampooing out.

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

Head and Shoulderes it is just for that

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

Neutrogena's TGel

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

well u could try putting grease ,moisturizer and inc. on it and wash it DONT use any perms or relaxers

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

that happened 2 my sister her hair thinned out because she was stressed out after she had a baby,but i cant tell thats not the case here,lol try head and shoulders ocean lift or the classic clean they work great :)

How can I treat a extreme dry scalp not hair.?

Are you sure it's just dry scalp/dandruff? Do you have psoriasis? Neutrogena T-Gel will help with either of those. But if it's psoriasis -- or could be -- you should see a dermatologist.

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