Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do you think white........?

do you think white girls with dark hair looks good with cornrose hair but half and the rest tied back like this

Do you think white........?

Corn Rows barely look good on women of ANY color

Do you think white........?

white looks good on girls with light hair black looks good on girls with dark hair

Do you think white........?

No, I think this is really tacky and trashy. Makes you look common!

Do you think white........?

Nope looks horrible on anyone.

Do you think white........?

no looks like u just back from a trashy tourist resort

Do you think white........?

Yes i think white would look good on you girl I'm thinking about going with white to girl and take care.

Do you think white........?

wel the rest of them are a bunch of twats cornROWS do luk good it just depeds how you get them doen, that hair style is more for younger people like under 18 i find but there are so many cornrow styles that im sre you'll find one.

at least your trying something new

Do you think white........?

No. When you have half cornrolls and loose hair hanging it makes the head appear larger. I think the style would look better if the loose hair was pulled into a ponytail.

Cornrolls can be tricky if you do not braid at the right angles and thickness. They can easily make a girl appear very masculine. So keep the conrolls just perfect the style.

Do you think white........?

Eww no way. It looks so trashy and looks awful on any colour !! Ithink it makes you look bald.

Do you think white........?

sorry but no it doesn't look good :\

Do you think white........?

Hi there,

It can look good on some people depends what face shap you have and yor faceal features. It also depends on who is doing it. People do it differntally. Some plat tightr some plat loose some plat futher back. It looks better when it it platter fither back of all the wayt down. It also loom better with extentions.

You will never know untill you have it done go for it live a little and if you dont like it you can get it restyled or take it out?

Do you think white........?

personally i think it makes them look like theyre about 9. on white girls its a style i would associate with a child. but if thats the look your going for then your gonna look super

Do you think white........?

No no no!!! cornrose are generally a huge mistake on anyone who doesnt have the type of hair that it cornrose were designed for.

Do you think white........?

I don't like it but that is only my opinion.

Do you think white........?

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW! That is so wrong...I think this looks cheap and common! Get it out, get it out!!!!!

Do you think white........?

Yeah looks ok but would be better for a holiday or something.

Do you think white........?

no it looks horrible and tacky and only looks ok on girls aged 10 and under unless your hair was designed for those kind of hairstyles.

Do you think white........?

yes but it depends on the persons looks to carry it off that cornrose hair style

Do you think white........?


Do you think white........?

Its nice yeah, but it depends on the individuals face shape and look wont suit everyone...I dont think whether or not they're white really comes into it, does it?

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