Thursday, July 30, 2009

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

Okay...ive been running everyday. and i sweat alot and i also straighten my hair. i woud like to wear it natural, but im half black and half white, and my hair is an afro if i dont straighten it. i onlyy straighten my hair about once a week, and then i wash my hair at the end of the week, and i dont straighten it anymore. it stays straight all week.,...but when i run, the hair curls back up!!!! and then when i get home..i have to straighten again, and then the next day again! andi dont like putting all that heat on my hair.

i already wear it in a pony, but the back of the hair hit my neck, making the ends curl up again, and i DEFINITLY dont wanna straighhten my ends everyday. and then i wore it in a bun, the ends still got curly, and so do the roots around my forehead. no matter what i do. then i tried wearing a hat and a bun with it....nothing works. a sweatband wont help cuz it will abosrbs the sweat, but it will be moist and it will be around my forhead. so please help.

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

i go thru the SAME THING

so lemme give yu some advice on it cuz i got that same hair, been thru the 2+ hours tryna straighten MANY times but my advice is DONT FIGHT THE CURLS

yur hair sounds very nice and i understand that yu got track n all ( which yu DEFINATELY should not quit) but yu dont have to have it straight all the time. If you decide to have it curly, you dont even have to wash it everyday. Just make sure you condition it well in the shower and add a leave in conditioner when yu come out to the damp hair, and just let it air dry.

this is a good routine because when yu sweat the gel and mousse yu normally would have put in does not drip down and get yur fore head sticky, and yu can wash yur hair every other day (sometimes just wettting) and alternate wearing it up and down.

im goin curly and its workin JUST FINE fer me! :P

so good luck, n i hope yu find a good solution for yu.

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

I dont think that there is much that you can do about this unless you stop running. Why not just cut it short and wear it curly?

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

You really can't do anything. I have this problem although my hair is just wavy. I hated this, it's the reason why I stopped straightening my hair, its either that or my health. Then I got a straight perm and no more problems. Maybe you can look into that, although I'm not sure if it works the same on african-american hair.

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

i have to straighten my hair too i have naturally wavy blond, white girl hair and i got to the gym 5 nights a week i dont like to wash it alot but i sweat a lot too and my hair gets frizzy also, there is not much you can do , just make sure you use a good serum or protector on your hair before you iron it or you will fry it. Good Luck!

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

i have the same problem, only i am not biracial i am full black. in the winter time, and fall, i will go see my beautician and get a relaxer. which will straighten your hair for about 6 wks -10 wks. but in the summer time i let it be curly. be careful of putting too much heat on your hair, so i would not recommend you to straighten your hair everyday.

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

when you run, your hair will probably get sweaty no matter what.

but another good thing to do could be to just take a shower after runbning and live with your hairs natural texture for a few days until you want to straighten it again. especially in the summer, since your not going to school, so your hair doesnt really need to look perfect all the time.

you should also visit a salon (ask for a stylist with similar hair to yours ) and get suggestions on how to style your hair when its curly

during the school year, you ahould get it permanently straightened, but not in the summer because to many straight perms will fry your hair, just like straightening it every day would

good luck!

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

i suggest a bun on the top of your head and to carry a wash cloth.......i suggest you to grease you hair back so the fly-a-ways dont come down in ur face and get sweaty and curl up ....and alot of grease in back because your (kitchen)l0l mite come out a the bun or ponytail.....And get sweaty also.......Grease is......was resistant most of the time and it will repell the sweat....and in the other hand grease is hair's best it will help you hair also

well good luck with the turn outs

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

I don't have african american hair,I have thick red hair with the same problem. It is the heat and humidity from the sweat that kinks it and curls it. I hate summer for this reason..nothing helps. The only thing I can suggest is stay indoors and cool at all times but what kind of life is that? Accept who you are and what you look like..I have to take this advice also,nothing short of shaving your head will stop it from curling and if you are like me when you get hot your head is the first place you sweat. I know,we'll get together and invent something and maybe we can help not only each other but millions of others and become billionaires on the process!! Sound good? Wish I could help,that would mean I knew what to do myself.:-) Oh,Amorosa on You're Fired gets botox injected in her armpits to stop sweating so much...I havewondered what it would do to have injections around our forehead and the area around your hairline and maybe a few injections safely inside the center of your head..that I HAVE thought about but have not checked into. II don't even know if it's safe or possible. It sure would be great not to have a sweaty head!!

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

While there is no way to prevent your sweating, there is a way to handle it. If you want to continue putting heat in your hair, there are ways to prevent the heat from danaging your hair. TCB has a line of hair products made for more ethnic hair and it protects the hair from heat and the tools you use ( curling iron, straightening irons, ect.). Now if you don't want to keep using heat in your hair, you can just weay your hair in more natural styles!! There are so many natural styles to wear with curly hair now a days!! It's in!! Embrace it!!! There is a site that has natural styles among others that might be of some help-

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

Try a hat.

I sweat, and my hair curls like crazy?

Ask a professional hairdresser what to do. Try running in the evening.

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