Thursday, July 30, 2009

My hair, can you help?

i'm mixed(black and white), and my hair is straight now and short and won't grow out. but when i was like 2 or 3 my hair was curly, long, and silky. but when i got my hair cut around when i was 4 my hair never grew out like that again. can you tell me, why this happened? i'm 14 now.

My hair, can you help?

It is VERY common for peoples hair to change, no matter what their race. A haircut would NOT change it though. The shape of the hair is determined by the shape of the hair follicle. If your body went through a major change at that age, such as an illness of emotional stress that could have been it. It may have been something as simple as you getting a growth spurt at that age. As for it not growing, think about your routine and what you are doing with your hair. Chemical services such as relaxing or coloring? Heat implements such as flat irons, curling irons or blow dryers? Using sup-par styling products? All these things can damage your hair. If it is none of those things your hair just may not be able to grow any longer. Everyone's hair has a point at which it will just STOP getting any longer. That is why someone who has never got a haircut in their lifetime may have long hair but it's not trailing behind them on the floor. A trip to your stylist may be in order. Cut off any split ends you may have, get a deep conditioning treatment and keep getting regular trims.

My hair, can you help?

its like with dogs,

when you cut dogs hair thats long and straight

it never grows back that way.. its just the way it is.

My hair, can you help?

i dont know how to helpyou

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