Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

My hair is a total pain! I'm white, with reddish brown hair. The very top layer is slightly wavy, but the layers underneath are curly to varying degrees. At the back of my head, the hair has lots of 'ridges' in in, but around the side it tends to fall more in spirals. The texture also varies - quite dry and fuzzy (not frizzy) underneath, but soft and silky on the almost straight layer on the top. It looks like a totally unkempt mess, regardless of how much time I spend on it, and putting it in a ponytail is even worse. No hairdresser seems to have a clue what to do with it. I would love to have EITHER wavy hair OR curly hair. Does anyone have any tips? Is a perm a good idea to even out the curl? Thanks!

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

headbands! they do wonders...

also try some cute clips and clip a section of your hair back.. I went through a change of hair my freshman year of highschool and I had no idea what to do with my new curly hair!

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

I have the exact same problem. I use a hair straightener.

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

I have the exact same type of hair. If you use a little mouse and then use a diffuser it will usually give those straighter hairs a little boost. There are some really inexpensive products out there for both and they are surprisingly gentle on your hair.

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

Don't perm your hair, m'dear.

It won't do it any good, it'll only probably make it worse.

Get a few cute clips,

click the top half of your hair back

other times, just get a cute head band

put that on and put your hair up at the back

or put on pigtails.

It's what I do.

When you have a good hair day

show it off!

and leave it down.

ahah C=

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

try a straighthener or if that doesn't work go for a perm ! good luck !

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

my hair is the same way, frizz-ez is great.

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

My friend has similar hair she uses her flat iron (hair straightener) It looks great but its a lot of work. When she wants it curly she flat irons it and then uses large rollers for uniform wave.

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

I know you said you'd love to have either one or the other, but sometimes when u have a mixture this isn't possible. Have you tried blow drying straight and using ghd's on it to seal it? You never know, straight hair may suit you the best in the end. Hope this helps.

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

Three words: CUT IT OFF

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

Wash it with shampoo AND CONDITIONER for shiny hair and where it out. it will look like it was on purpose.

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

I think that be racist won't solve your problem, although I have a solution! I do also have curly hair, and you should be proud of it because it is rare unlike straight hair. A perm would also even out the curls, I think it would look great! Go for it, it's your life!

How do you deal with a mix of curly/wavy hair?

well i also have wavy hair its puffy to i have alot so if you want calm it down just use water and some kind of hair grease oh yeah and a brush hope that helps

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