Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

I know that question sounds dumb but your white it don't matter how many mixed raced babies you have it don't make you black. If irritates me to death! I mean love is color blind but I think it looks so fake and artificial when people do that. Or this drives me crazy a white girl that has hair like a black girl or dresses black I just don't understand!! Maybe you guys can answer my question.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Black is a race, not a language.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Actually "black" isn't a race. It's a color. Report It

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Why does it matter? It depends how you are raised. If a black person is raised in an all white comunity they will talk 'white' and if a white person is raised in an all black community they will talk 'black'. It only bothers narrow minded people who are scared of change!!! Report It

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

why does anyone talk "all black like" or whatever is what i wanna know.......don't they know they sound stupid. Some people need to learn english. heh.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

She 'wants' to be something she is not...it is actually irritating to me too. Only because you should embrace who you are...not what you 'think' is cool, or otherwise.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

They think they are Black. even if you see them as White, to themselves they are Black.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

interracial dating is even more disgusting than homosexuality. People that get involved in miscegenation are abominations. The laws we had on miscegenation should be brought back.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

if they act like that, then they aren't white anymore by my standards.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

an overall lack of class.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

because the white race can easily absorb other races cultures and mimic them, its their skin color, white can be mixed with other colors and the resulting color makes a weird one

they dont have their own identity?

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Okay so what is dressing white? What is wearing your hair like a white woman? I mean- it's just plain stupid what you are talking about Culture and the color of your skin are two diffrent things-remember that.

God bless...

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

What is talking black? Dressing black? Hair like a black girl? You are labeling everything which is stereotype. Clothes are for anyone that decides to purchase them no matter your race. Language is your preference as well it is up to you to use correct grammar or not. And as far as the hair no comment there. A lot of people try to be like others so that they can fit in when all they have to do is be themselves. I know what you are talking about but I wouldn't label it with a race.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

What does talking black mean really? I am black, so I know the answer to the question, but most of that rhetoric that is considered "talking black" is ignorant and I am not ignorant nor do I speak that way. Therefore I get that I try to be white which is another stupid thing to say. Not all white girls who date black guys exclusively "act black". There are some white girls that have no identity of their own therefore acting like the ebonic speaking ignorant fools they are attracted to. Hairstyles, I don't have an issue with. Again, dressing black, I don't know what that is. If a black guy wears a Nautica button down shirt, khakis, and boat shoes, is he dressing white? Certain clothing does determine someone's culture, but that is along the lines of an Irish male wearing a kilt or women from the middle east having to cover there faces. It is a part of their culture. If a white girl wants to wear Apple Bottom jeans, for one she better have an apple bottom, which is rare, but if that is what she likes by all means wear them. I don't think Nelly would mind at all who wears his jeans.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Well I dont know how exactly one can talk black but I do see your point. It is all stereotyping. They have a stereotype in their minds of how blacks act and they try to mimic it because I guess that makes them fit in more. As a black women I also hate it when someone white is around me and they begin to act the way they believe I act. Like I cant see through the act that they are putting on. However, some of them are really like that and have been their entire lives. When that is genuinly their character you can tell and when its not you can tell then to.

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Ummm..I have bi-racial children and am married and I am "white" I talk normal, dress in "my own style" and btw- how do black people dress anyways?

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Have you ever noticed the people and the cultures you are around is the way you tend to talk. The more you hang around with a certain person the more you are apt to talk like your peers. I have noticed that when my husband is around his friends of all races he tends to talk diferently than when he talks to me. Sometimes the way we talk an act can be situational as well. when we are at work most of us do not talk to our associates or clients, customers, patients and so on the way we talk to our friends. I have Native American friends that say certain phrases that I have picked up on and use sometimes without thinking about it. It happens it doesn't always mean the person is faking it,

Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

Sometimes they pick-up more than ebonics.


Why does white girls talk all black when they are with black guys or into dating them?

A white girl could never ever be black...she can't even come close.......a white girl will try but she'll never meet the level !

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