Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

Help I am an Indian but I was born and raised in the Caribbean and here the sun is very hot and when I was small I was in the sun for long hours and I have a Tan.

Now my Tan isn't so dark infact I am very fair. But I am unsatisfied with my color and I want to become as white as possible.

Reason is because after I finish my degree I wanna come America and get a hot white chick with Blond Hair and Blue eyes and I want to be respected by white Americans too

So I want my skin to become permanent white. Anyone can please help me on doing this? I heard that Lemon does the trick.

I have been studying very hard my whole life and I have recently started exercising to build a great body, all for my future American white chick, I really want this I dream about this every day.

I am hoping she also has a great fit body.

So Can anyone please tell me how to become white will Lemon work?

I have everything else I dress like Americans and act like Americans, all I need is the skin.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

You need to bathe in bleach!!!!

Oh, and its all good working on the colour of your skin and your body, but what about your personality - you are obviously not comfortable in yourself so how can you expect anyone else to be comfortable with you!!!

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

WTF!! when did the color of skin become so freaking important!!

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

your crazy! your better off with your tan! white american girls LOVE men with darker skin!

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

Ask Micheal Jackson

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

Wow... At least you have the first part of the American dream down pretty well. But your best bet is to work more on your personality and your physique than your skin color. And the lightest you're going to get is going to happen from not going outside without some serious sunblock.

If you don't like who you are then no American blonde haired, blue eyed beauty is going to like you much either.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

a lot of "Hot american white chicks" like a man with a tan....no, american girl wants a pasty looking man, so save the lemon juice for lemonade please..

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

Michael Jackson has entered the board.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

I think you should be proud to be Indian and not change. I also say if this 'blonde haird blue eyes' girl doesnt like you for you, it wont be worth it. But hey, what ever floats your boat, i dont think im going to change your mine. But good luck in doing so

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

this is a question for micheal jackson

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

please dont listen to dickupbutt !!! he is a dick up butt. anyway. dont change yur color. i totally bet ur hot the way u are. like everyone loves a tan dude! stay the way you are and ull totlly stay sexy!!!

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

There are so many different types of people out here then just white. First of all, people will only like you for who you are. Stay the way you are because thats the only way you will get anywhere in life.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

I have blond hair and green-blue eyes, i love darker men! They are better opposites attract just like you want a blond girl right....you get it??? Anyways that's how me and a whole lot of my friends feel anyway.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

to tell you the truth you wont impress a white girl. they actually might get freaked out by you. i mean like micheal jackson. he was a good looking black man but once he got into changing his color. noone really thinks he looks good. and i think you should want a hot girl to like you for who you are and not a fake.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

Call Michael Jackson, he'll know what to do!

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

I think you need to stick with the real you. I'm a pasty pale American girl and trust me, pale skin is not valued here. I was teased relentlessly as a child for it.

And don't get your hopes up about the United States. It has its good points, but it is no utopia.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

Are you STUPID???

Americans do not judge ppl by their skin color.

Forget being light skinned-----if you want a fit woman, be fit yourself.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

well, honestly the only product i know of is sunblock. but it wont' make you any lighter.

as many others have pointed out, you should love yourself the way you are. no white girl, myself included, will love or respect you if you're so concerned with fitting in and trying to be white. i love my boyfriend because he is comfortable with who he is (iraqi/muslim) and he teaches me about it. part of our fun is seeing what how we are different and enjoying learning something new from each other.

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

chicks dig tans, so dont worry about it

lemon juice doesnt work

Help How do I get my skin to become white?

did the segregation years mean anything to you?

vanity vanity vanity.

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