Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

Have you ever noticed a mixed guys hair when it's cut? (I'm reffering to a black and white "product".). It has like yellow blond patches and the rest is jet black. Like highlights. Why is that? I don't think I've seen any Whites have natural "discolored" hair like that. Or Blacks. Just curious here, I DO NOT want a racial flame war here.

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

No I haven't noticed. I think that may just be with that person. I know people who are half white and their hair isn't like that. My cousin's dad is white but my cousin is just a dirty blond. His father's hair is brown though. I think it might have come from his mom's side.

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

You're welcome. :) Report It

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

Hmm that's weird...maybe that's a specific person because I know tons of mixed black and white guys and their hair is *not* like that!

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

You don't want a racial flame war, but you refer to a mixed ethnicity person as a "black and white product"??

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

I have never noticed it but my guess would be that he has two different hair colors. If thats genetically possible.

Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?


Mixed Hair... Why is it patchy?

My aunt is married to an Irish guy and they have two biracial sons. I dont notice anything you have described but I know the older boy has green eyes like his dad, and the younger one has reddish looking hair.....like his dad.

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