Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How would puffy hair look on me?

I am white with short hair, but I have been thinking of growing my hair out like the mars volta hair, kinda a white guy fro, what do you think?


How would puffy hair look on me?

no dont poof your hair

How would puffy hair look on me?

Go for it..I saw a guy the other day and I thought..how cute..

How would puffy hair look on me?

well... idk... hummmm....

have you seen any white guys who look good with a fro? honestly....i think you should pic like a mowhawk or something that will work with you face dont wast it! LoL jk!

but ya definetly not the fro! PLEASE! LoL jk!

How would puffy hair look on me?

yeah, sure. i think that its an outdated style that coming back with the huge sunglasses and retro clothes. just wear clothes that match that era or people will think you're crazy...

How would puffy hair look on me?

I battle my naturally incredibly poofy/frizzy hair. I have a hard time thinking anyone would want hair like mine. I mean, it's healthy since I exclusively air dry and don't use heat products, but it looks hideous. It's very difficult to manage, and combs/brushes are useless and damaging.

If you don't have hair naturally like that, then...I suggest you don't try and get hair like that. Honestly.

If you want to, though, then do it. it's your hair. Just know that you'll have to wait for length.

How would puffy hair look on me?

Is that the Mars Volta? I love it:D

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