Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hair Dye Help!?

i have blackish-brown hair and i want to dye it to a very light blonde like almost white...i have a hair dye package and on the box it shows two package things of lightening activator powder.. but in the instructions it shows only to use one...i dont know what my hair will look like because it doesnt show the bar on the side of the box...

any idea on why there are two packs and only one in the instructions...???

and if you have any comments please help?!

Hair Dye Help!?

Is there any hair color on your hair right now? Or is the blackish-brown you natural hair color? If it is hair color, it will be very hard to pull it to a nice blond tone. It will be hard to anyway, but Xtra hard if its hair dye. The upkeep on it will also be a pain in the butt, but if you must do it, I suggest mixing your bleach packets one at a time. Usually equal parts bleach and developer untill it makes kindof a frosting like texture. Wait a few minutes and see if it gets thicker, then mix a little more developer in if needed. Bleach will blister your scalp, so when you apply it, do the hair about 1/4 in from your scalp first, then go back and do the part close to your head. The heat from your head will lift that part fastest anyway. Good Luck! Oh yeah, I would only attempt this if your hair is fairly healthy to begin with. If it isn't, it will most likely fall out before you reach the desired color of blond. Another tip%26gt; If your hair is colored dark brown, blond hair dye will not lift the dark brown color out. Only bleach will pull it out. Then if it were to turn a brassy orange color, you would probably have to tone it with a light blond color. This procedure can be very hairy! LOL

Hair Dye Help!?

DO NOT dye your hair blonde...trust me girls with dark dark hair have to keep it that way it will turn out horribly...espically if you do it yourself. If you must insist getting it done you to a salon but if you dye it blonde, you WILL regret it!

Hair Dye Help!?

do not use a box if your dying your hair blonde, it will be yellow, and it will be dead. do not do it

Hair Dye Help!?

I'm gonna say the same thing. I've tried it, it was a mistake. Every hair dresser I've been to since has been pissed at me. Don't try and do this yourself. Your hair will probably be orange.

Hair Dye Help!?

It wont turn very light... it will go a funky brassy color.

As the other answerer said, dont do it! Or get it professionally done, seek their advice before doing it at home.. you could ruin your hair.

Hair Dye Help!?

It might turn your hair orange why would you want to dye it blonde? Men like brunettes. They think blondes are pretty but which would you take home the dumb blonde or the brilliant brunette?

Hair Dye Help!?

As you age, your hair can go darker. Mine has.

As for dying your hair platnum blonde with a home kit....AVOID IT!! You will end up with orange hair. Go to a salon and have it done professionally. A stylist has the experience to bleach blonde and will have better product than that which is sold over the counter.

Hair Dye Help!?

whatever you do do not dye your hair blond it will turn out wrong it will be like a orange color thats what mine did and now i have to let it grow back out

Hair Dye Help!?

First of all DON'T,but if you really want to dye your hair.First DON'T dye it so soon,wait ,go tomorrow to the store where you bought your hair product and verify another product were it shows like a piece of your hair color and see what it looks like.But in my opinion you have to dye your hair very light brown, and then dye it very blond.Good Bye and Good Luck!!!!!!!!

Hair Dye Help!?

* Hair coloring tips


* Hair Dyeing Tips


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