Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Should I dye my hair....?

I'm half asian, quarter german, quarter portuguese (I basically look like a white person with dark hair and eyes). I wanted to dye my hair a lighter shade of brown (i'm thinking a darker version of Devon Aoki's hair color)....what shade...? Is dying hair harmful b/c of the chemicals? if you dye it too much will your hair fall out? Please advise!

Should I dye my hair....?

Well, my best friend, a cosmotologist, would say it's "color" my hair, not dye...(I've received many lectures on that! :) ) You have to be careful going lighter because of the bleach. In time it will start to damage your hair. If you're careful and take breaks, you should be o.k. Go to a stylist if you can afford it, but if not try a box. :) But remember the all important term of 'coloring' your hair! lol, :)

Should I dye my hair....?

Some hair color brands can damage your hair. For example, Clairol is one the worst ones in the market. If you are not happy with your hair color, more power to you, go ahead and dye it. However, bear in mind to use a good brand hair color like Garnier Nutrisse or Wella.

Should I dye my hair....?

Dying your hair is harmful because of the chemicals in it. But if you want to dye your hair you should try a semi-permanent hair dye it should wash out in a couple of weeks and if you really like the color i suggest go for permanent that's if you are sure you want your hair whatever color you want. It's less harmful than the permanent hair dye.

Should I dye my hair....?

I've been coloring my hair since gr.8 and I still have a great mass of it. Though, try to stay away from cheap hair dyes. I usually go with L'Oreal Paris (with shimmering). If you don't do it more than twice a year, you should be fine. Go for it and try on a new look! You'll feel fresh. In fact, I just dyed my hair light auburn yesterday and I feel great.

Should I dye my hair....?

Most of the time once you dye your hair it will never comeback to the same color or shine. (I don't know why it just happens.)

Then you get the "root" problem. Two different colors when it grows.

Unless your hair is just "butt ugly" leave it alone. Maybe try a different cut.

Should I dye my hair....?

you might want to see a beauty consultant about this.

everyone's hair is different so no one can say how

yours will react to the chemicals. changing the color a

shade or two should not look bad. not like you were trying

to be a blonde and didn't have the right skin tone for it.

please do have someone who knows what they are doing

test your hair to see how the chemicals will react.

Should I dye my hair....?

Go to an upscale hair salon near you and ask these questions to a hairstylist. They do this kind of thing every day and would be able to tell you your options. Going from dark to lighter is always a lot harder than from light to dark.

Should I dye my hair....?

When I first wanted to dye my hair, everyone told me not to. They listed all of the craziest reasons why I shouldn't and I bought into it. It wasn't until a few years later that I realized everything they said was stupid. First of all, your hair is dead to begin with so you can't kill hair. You can certainly damage hair, but unless you are bleaching it every week, I think it will survive normal coloring. Just make sure to condition it well and maintain it.

If you have no experience with dying your hair, I would suggest going to a professional first. There is nothing more confusing than going to the store and staring at 200 different boxes, brands, and shades and trying to figure out what will look best on you. The shade almost never looks the same on you as it does on the box (especially with dark hair). Lightening dark hair is very difficult and so if you do it yourself, it may take several tries to get it right. Then you'll run the risk of walking around with a not so attractive shade on your head until it is safe to dye it again in a few weeks. Take it from me and years of painful experience.

I went to the salon to get my hair professional dyed for the first time a few months ago, and I wish I had done it sooner. She did a great job, I loved the shade she suggested, and it was more even then I was ever able to get it. It also lasts a bit longer and the quality of the dye is noticeably better. You can also learn her techniques for getting the hard-to-reach places and which way to part the hair and apply the dye. After a few visits you can decide whether or not you'd like to venture out on your own. By that time, your hair will have taken to the lighter color and it will take in a home dye much better.

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