Sunday, July 26, 2009

For the guys, ...body hair...?

as a young mexican girl, i have more body hair than a white girl.

mainly on my back.

it's not outrageous, but do guys care?

i mean are they disgusted or turned-off?

For the guys, ...body hair...?

If a guy bases his likes/dislikes on your looks, he's not worth your time. If he thinks you have a great personality, fun to be around with, etc, then he won't care about your little "flaws".

But yeah, I'm sure there's some guys out there that would be turned off by it, but like I said, if they're really worth your time, it won't bother them a bit. Don't change yourself to please anyone either; do it for yourself. =)

For the guys, ...body hair...?

If it's not bad they won't care.

For the guys, ...body hair...?

I can,t promise you that all of them won,t be disgusted of this matter.But,don,t be disappointed!you can find some who won,t be.Choose the best who has many hair between them!

For the guys, ...body hair...?

if its not thick on your back then leave it alone because it might grow back thicker, but if its bothering you that much then you can get it waxed off. You will have to keep getting it waxed ova and ova

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