Sunday, July 26, 2009

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

hi! I'm a student of B.A 2nd year. My age is 20.

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

hi its comes from hereidty. u must take healty food. and care from sunlights

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

Dye it


My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

|""my hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?""

Don't stress over it? : P

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

Visit your local health food store and ask for guidance.

1) Go on a de-tox regiment

2) Drink plenty of water

3) Get plenty of good sleep

4) Exercise regularly

5) Be Happy! (de-stress your life)

6) Improve your diet.

Hope this helps.

Please select my answer as "Best Answer".

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it? easy one for u wld b trying yoga...just join some yogaclass...i am sure u'll benefit from that...

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

That just happens to some people. i don't think you can do anything to prevent it. I'd be curious if a vegetarian diet with a lot of antioxidants, increased exercise, regular adequate sleep and reduced stress would help. I know it works wonders for the condition of your skin.

As someone who has tried dye on y hair from time to time, I really discourage it. At least on my hair, prolonged use of dye ruins the texture.

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

There isn't anything that you can do. Your genetics and/or stress levels could be the reason(s) for your hair graying out so early in life. My advice is to simply dye it...problem solved. I started going gray in my mid 20's, and dying my hair to match my natural hair color works great..quick, easy and cheap.

On another note, two people I graduated HS with have had worse luck with their hair than you or me. One guy was nearly bald by the time we were seniors, and another guy had a full head of "salt and pepper hair". Mother Nature can be mean at times, thats for sure.

My hairs becoming white,what should i do to prevent it?

Just let it grow out sounds cool to me.

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