Sunday, July 26, 2009

My older brother is 37 and has a full chest of dark hair.his wife made him shave it off,click for mo

and he really didnt want to because it makes him feel manly because its thin,dark,and covering all of it...but since he shaved its started growing back. and most of it is coming back bushy and white,he now has a salt and pepper bush of chest hair,and i was wondering why?but he is aging,but his other chest hair had no white.if you want to talk please im me at thnbwn on yahoo

My older brother is 37 and has a full chest of dark hair.his wife made him shave it off,click for more?

I really don't know why the regrowth is white, unless it would have eventually started turning white even if he hadn't shaved it off. Gray or white hair simply means the loss of pigment or melanin in the hair shaft, that can occur at any age, but is usually a sign of aging. Sometimes shock or trauma can cause gray hair. However, this is the first time I've heard of it on the chest. He shouldn't worry too much about it, though, unless he goes around without his shirt on a frequent basis. I'm wondering why his wife made him shave it off. I like seeing chest hair peeking out from a shirt collar -- kind of sexy....

My older brother is 37 and has a full chest of dark hair.his wife made him shave it off,click for more?

It happens some time that hair lost at one side and other side not affectd at all and same if the roots of hair are getting more food from the skin from one side than other than it makes the difference in whitning the hair in one side and other side black.

My older brother is 37 and has a full chest of dark hair.his wife made him shave it off,click for more?

Did he scream KELLY CLARKSON when they removed the hair?

My older brother is 37 and has a full chest of dark hair.his wife made him shave it off,click for more?

Maybe all the stress from trying to please his wife in a way that he didnt really want to in the first place or the stress from the regrowth itching.

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