Sunday, July 26, 2009

Question for white people?

I have always wondered this: Do most white men with blonde hair usually dye it into a darker color? Or do only mostly white women dye their hair diffrent colors.

I usually see alot of blonde women but I hardly see too many natural blonde men.

Question for white people?


No, I was born with blond hair but it changed to a nut brown color after I was 5. When I was out in the sun a lot later in life my hair would often lighten with blond streaks. LOL, now it is grey and brown. I have a nephew who is natural blond as well as some red heads in our family.

As for women there are some natural blonds but many do dye their hair back and forth.


Michael Kelly

Question for white people?

Now thats a question that would get you somewhere in life.

Question for white people?

Men with naturally blond hair seem to darken as they age (my husband was a towhead and now at 40, is a dark brown) brother is the same way.

Question for white people?

most times blonde hair well change color over time myself i was a blonde as a child but it went darker brown when i grow up.

Question for white people?

I see a lot of natural blonde men.

Question for white people?

um well im white with blondish brown and i guess i have sum blond highlights

Question for white people?

Of all my friends i know very few who are wearing there exact natural color of hair. some claim to be naturally blonde because they were blonde as children or because their hair is light brown or dark blonde but even they go to the salon to have some color put into it. even my friends who claim they have naturally black hair have it dyed darker. as for men i knew a few men who did but not as many.

Question for white people?

I think most natural blondes (those born with blond hair) have their hair darken as they get older. I was born with very pale blond hair. Now, my natural color is almost a black/brown, so I go to my hairdresser about every 6 weeks and have him lighten it! I think most men who were born blond just allow nature to take it's course and never think about bleaching it back to blond. Guess we women are more vain!

Question for white people?

Blond hair is a recessive gene, so every time a blond person mates with a darker haired person, the dark hair generally dominates in the offspring. The result of this is that there are fewer and fewer true blonds.

Im white, and blond, and my hair has turned brown on its own through age and season.

Question for white people?

I'm not sure.

My mom's blonde and my dad has jet black hair.

I was born with light hair but, mine got darker with time by the time I was 18 my hair was black.

However, I wouldn't be suprized if they did because I think white guys do tend to look better with dark hair. I actually would like ur opinion on that. Do u think they look more attractive with dark hair???

Question for white people?

heh actually i was so blonde as a child it was hard to notice i had hair but as i got older it turned into more of a light brown but i still have blonde streaks in it, so i didn't dye it it just turned this way

Question for white people?

it doesn't matter what color your hair is it is what people like and if we like to dye it then we do if not we don't and i know for a fact black girls dye thier hair too

Question for white people?

Lots of people start out as blonds when they're children and then their hair darkens as they grow older. We women then 'restore' our hair to its natural color with highlights. The men don't bother.

Question for white people?

I don't think most white men as a rule (regardless of hair color) dye their hair. The only two exceptions are a) high school/college kids who dye their hair outrageous colors; and b) old guys who refuse to age gracefully, so they dye their hair dark (I think men's hair color comes in two shades: dark and darker, LOL).

Interesting question. Maybe there's a reason why we don't see many naturally blonde men. :) Then again, probably most of the blonde women are bottle blondes. haha

Question for white people?

Straight blonde haired men don't dye it darker. Why would a straight man dye their hair. not into metrosexuals. Homosexual blonde haired men do dye their hair different colors.

Why did Dennis Rodman dye his hair blonde?

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